Free Art Club

FREE Live Art Club
for all the family (Age 5-adult)

Our free class has now finished

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Live Art Club FAQ

Make time for creativity 

Join our online art classes, workshops and tuition on Zoom.

Don't have zoom? Download here

What age is it for?
For our Live Art Club we recommend age 5-100! Many families draw together :)  

What will we learn?
We will learn different art skills and how to discover your own creative ideas. This is not a step by step class and we encourage everyone to create something unique. We do provide guidance and help along the way.

Is there a replay?
Sorry we are unable to record the meetings due to safeguarding of children. You need to attend live. 

Who is teaching the class?
Emma, the founder of Go Sketch Club, will be teaching the class. Emma is an artist and an art teacher with over 10 years experience. 

How much is it? 
This Class in Feb Half Term is free! 

Do we need to have our camera on as my child is shy?
We love to see your faces and your artwork however if your child is more comfortable joining with their camera off then that is also fine :)

"The Go Sketch art classes are brilliant! My 8 yr old daughter is always looking forward to them. She didn't like her drawings before but because of the classes with Emma she started to love her own art work! The classes are very creative and definitely increased my daughter confidence." 

Aga Coutinho